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Showing 7–12 of 17 results
Audio MP3
Renewable Energy Auctions in Brazil: Benchmark & Complete History in Perspective
Version: 1.0
Release: March 2021
Volume: 120 minutesThe success of our future often depends on how well we understand the past. For the increasingly competitive renewable energy auctions in Brazil, a history of winners, losers, and evolving criteria can lay the foundation for a successful strategy.
A complete history of renewable energy auction results in perspective. This in-depth audio report explores the whole history of Brazil’s renewable energy auctions to unearth the knowledge and insights that guide successful projects. This is an invaluable resource for all investment teams and decision-makers considering or developing projects in this new era for Brazil, the most exciting renewable energy market in the world.
*Please note – this purchase is for the audio (mp3) version of this issue.
The audio report is also available in its written version and an accompanying dataset: The Commercial Parameters of Winning Auctions in Brazil: A Complete Dataset of Renewable Energy Auction ResultsMarch 2021 | 120 minutes -
Renewable Energy Auctions in Brazil
Product ID: P160002-02-20-1.0
Version: 1.0
Release: November 2020
Volume: 70 PagesThe success of our future often depends on how well we understand the past. For the increasingly competitive renewable energy auctions in Brazil, a history of winners, losers, and evolving criteria can lay the foundation for a successful strategy.
A complete history of renewable energy auction results in perspective. This in-depth report explores the whole history of Brazil’s renewable energy auctions to unearth the knowledge and insights that guide successful projects. This is an invaluable resource for all investment teams and decision-makers considering or developing projects in this new era for Brazi, the most exciting renewable energy market in the world.
This dataset is available in a special bundle with its accompanying report: The Commercial Parameters of Winning Auctions in Brazil: A Complete Dataset of Renewable Energy Auction Results — See Bundle
November 2020 | 70 Pages | Also available in:- ZH
Nova Formação de Preço no Setor no Elétrico Brasileiro
Produto ID: P160004-01-20-1.0
Versão: 1.0
Lançamento: Dezembro 2020
Volume: 54 PáginasA partir de 1º de janeiro de 2021, o Brasil dá um grande passo em direção a um mercado de energia mais sustentável e mais eficiente quando a tão esperada mudança para o preço spot horário entrar em vigor. Para um mercado acostumado a comercializar eletricidade em preços semanais, a mudança para o preço horário aproxima os preços à demanda de curtíssimo prazo, criando novas oportunidades e benefícios substanciais em todos os setores.
Como uma introdução ao PLD horário e seu impacto sobre as energias renováveis, este estudo detalhado esclarece o modelo de cálculo vigente e revela a nova mecânica do mercado, enquanto fornece estudos de caso específicos para projetos de energia eólica e solar. A mudança para o PLD horário criará um cenário de investimento inteiramente novo, com novos produtos, serviços e plataformas projetadas para atender ao novo mercado spot, tornando este estudo um recurso essencial para quem está considerando ou desenvolvendo projetos nesta nova era do setor elétrico brasileiro.
Dezembro 2020 | 54 Páginas | Também disponível em:- ZH
- EN
产品编号: P160004-03-20-1.0
版本: 1.0
发布于: 2020年十二月
卷: 54 页2021年1月1日,巴西在向更清洁、更环保、更有利于投资者的能源市场发展的道路上迈出了一大步,届时,人们期待已久的按小时现货定价的转变将正式生效。对于一个一直以周期为单位进行电力交易的市场来说,按小时定价的转变将追踪供需的短期波动,从而创造新的机会,并为整个市场带来巨大的利益。
2020年十二月 | 54 页 | 还提供以下语言版本:- EN
- PT
Report-Data Bundle
Winning Renewable Energy Auctions in Brazil — A Complete Insight
Product ID: Auction Bundle 01-02-20
Version: 1.0
Release: November 2020
Volume: 70 Page Report & 22K+ Point DatasetTrue insight comes from understanding the landscape and then analyzing the data. Deep market knowledge creates the foundation for more insightful data modeling and analytics.
This bundle combines our in-depth benchmarking report, charting the history of renewable energy auctions in Brazil, and our complete dataset, allowing you to determine the winning parameters for your current or future project in this reformed energy market. The upcoming change to hourly spot pricing is the latest in a string of reforms that make Brazil one of the top 3 most attractive destinations in the world for clean energy investments, this report-data bundle provides the complete insight required to win Brazil’s increasingly competitive auctions.November 2020 | 70 Page Report & 22K+ Point Dataset | Also available in the following languages:- ZH
Grid Connection for Wind Power Generators in Brazil
ID: P160001-02-20-1.0
Release: November 2020
Volume: 25 PagesAn essential guide to the technical and testing obligations for the connection of wind power generators to the transmission network in Brazil
Growing demand, recent regulatory reform, the proliferation of financing options, and maturing supply chains have put wind power at the forefront of Brazil’s necessary energy revolution. Grid connection is the critical step in bringing projects online, where specific technical and testing requirements must be adhered to for projects to avoid delays and additional cost.November 2020 | 25 Pages | Also available in the following languages:- ZH